© 2021 LITAA / Long Island Travel Agents Association
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The Long Island Travel Agents Association (LITAA) is a nationally recognized organization of professional, full service, travel agencies located in Nassau and Suffolk Counties in New York State.
Membership is open to owners and managers of qualified companies.
LITAA members are local business people, often belonging to local Chambers of Commerce, Better Business Bureaus and local service organizations. Members have made long term financial and service commitments to their communities.
LITAA agencies employ hundreds of qualified personnel, who continually update and increase their education through numerous programs provided within the industry.
Additionally, they travel throughout the year to inspect hotel properties, new and upcoming destinations and cruise ships. They review all modes of transportation and travel resorts worldwide. The consumer will receive the benefit of LITAA members’ extensive travel expertise when consulting them for travel arrangements.
These agencies will make every effort to save you time, money and fulfill your vacation dreams.
Join LITAA as an Agent
Join LITAA as a Supplier
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Long Island Travel Agent Association (LITAA) provides a venue for owners and managers of Long Island travel agencies to meet, exchange and share ideas and experiences.
LITAA provides educational speakers and ways for owners and managers to better market and grow their business.
To join, just fill out the forms on the lower right side of this page, and
return to us.